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Gender Wise: Limerick Trans* Youth Group

This is a group for anyone aged 13-18 year who identifies as Trans, Non-Binary, or Genderqueer. The aim of the group is to allow young people who identify as Trans+ to meet and socialise in a safe, supportive environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination, and social exclusion. We meet one Saturday per month from 11-1. If you would like to express an interest in joining the group, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Find us: GOSHH, Redwood Place, 18 Davis Street, Limerick.
  • Phone us: 061314354 Text: 0834447368
  • Email us:
The Q’s

Limerick’s LGBT+ Youth Group is for 14-19 LGBT+ people and allies. The group meets weekly on a Friday from 5-7 pm at Lava Java’s Youth Café. The aim of the group is to allow LGBT+ young people to meet and socialise in a safe, supportive environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination, and social exclusion. The group has a programme of fun activities which are chosen by members of the group.

  • Find us: Lava Java’s Youth Cafe, Lower Glentworth Street, Limerick
  • Phone us: 061314354 Text: 0834447368
  • Email us: