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Drug and Alcohol Service

We offer a dedicated drug and alcohol service for LGBTQ+ youth. The service is free cost, confidential and non-judgemental.

This is a space to bring any concerns you have around your drug and alcohol use and to talk to our dedicated Drug and Alcohol Youth Worker.

We will listen, offer you support and if needed, refer you to a specialty service for further support.

We operate from a harm reduction model. This means supporting you to manage your use of drugs or alcohol so that it is safe for you. We are not going to judge you or stigmatise you. We are here to help.

You can meet our Drug and Alcohol Youth Worker at Belong To, 13 Parliament Street, Dulblin 2. You will meet initially to chat about what is going on for you. Following this, you can decide together if it would be helpful for you to receive ongoing support.

Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you to arrange a time and day to meet in confidence. We are here for you.

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