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Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Launches Guidelines to Tackle Homophobic Bullying

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Launches Guidelines to Tackle Homophobic Bullying 

Tuesday, 27 July 2010 

The guidelines were produced by ourselves here at  BeLonG To Youth Service and the Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and are a response to research which shows that homophobic bullying is a huge issue amongst young people and that this harassment can have devastating effects on the mental health of young people. 

Minister Andrews said: 

An equality based approach should be fundamental to our work with young people and should underscore the necessity of actively and unequivocally addressing homophobia in all its guises. It is important, therefore, that structures, services and supports that work with, and on behalf of, young people are clearly committed to addressing and combating homophobia.” 

He continued: 

Along with their valuable work with young people in Ireland, BeLonG To have been to the fore in addressing homophobia through their work in the youth sector, as well as in other sectors and settings. My office is committed to supporting the youth sector in tackling homophobic bullying and urge all youth workers, volunteers and all those working with young people to commit themselves to addressing and combating homophobia. 

Carol-Anne O’Brien, BeLonG To’s Advocacy Coordinator, said, “the Guidelines are really practical — based on ideas from youth workers and from young people themselves. We’ve included a list of Best Practices and information about BeLonG To’s national network of LGBT youth groups and lots of other resources.”  

Download – Addressing Homophobia, Guidelines for the Youth Work Sector in Ireland