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My 17-year-old is LGBTQ+ and has an ASD diagnosis. Is there any sexual health information available for LGBTQ+ ASD people.


Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, there is not specific sexual health guidelines for LGBTQ+ people with autism available yet in Ireland. We would recommend open communication around the topic and share some of the following relevant information with your young person. You did not mention the gender of your young person, so I will include inclusive information here. Follow these links for helpful guidelines.

The following is a HSE guideline for parents of 13-18 year olds with advice about how to have sexual health conversations with young people: making-the-big-talk-many-small-talks-13-to-18.pdf

The following is a HSE resource for 17+ LGBTQ+ women: ref-shc003-lbq-womens-resource-a5-digital-pdf-.pdf

The following is a website of resources for 17+ gay and bisexual men:

The following is information on contraception and sexual health services in Ireland: Home –

Finally, we would recommend getting in touch with As I Am, Ireland’s autism charity: As I Am | Ireland’s Autism Charity

Thank you,


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